Full Auto 2: Battlelines Review

Full Auto 2: Battlelines Review
Full Auto 2 is technically proficient, but almost every aspect of this car combat game’s gameplay is messed up in one way or another.
Full Auto 2: Battlelines PlayStation 3 Gameplay – The
Full Auto 2 Battlelines Online Gameplay for PlayStation 3
Hello and welcome to another look at exclusive PlayStation 3 games.
People always ask me, “What is PlayStation 3 like online?” and “Is it really laggy as 360 owners say?”
Well, in the next upcoming videos I will show you what PlayStation 3 games are like online just to answer your questions on that.
We will start with this 2006 launch title from SEGA called Full Auto 2 Battlelines.
Please note: This game is old now and the servers have been SHUT DOWN!
Also this is my first true 720p video, so I hope you like the quality difference. I will try to make future videos all 16:9 720p whenever possible to retain the best quality.
Full Auto 2 battlelines PS3 great moments
Full Auto 2 Battlelines – PlayStation Vita – PSP
Full Auto™ 2: Battlelines blasts onto the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system with a constant barrage of high-octane demolition. While the player races full-throttle through the city, their strategically timed missiles will bring down buildings and other elements on opponents and set off fiery chain reactions. Players will wreak vehicular mayhem in both arena-combat and racing-combat modes with 15 customizable vehicles stocked with explosive weapons of their choice. A whole new career storyline awaits with challenging new pick-up-and-play modes, goals, and rivals all bent on mass destruction.